Meet, rally, listen to speakers, enjoy live musical performances and march together to raise awareness about rape culture while supporting survivors.

Saturday September 28 2019


Saturday September 28th 2019

Saturday September 28th 2019

The March to End Rape Culture (#MTERC) is an event raising awareness about rape culture and its effects across society. This annual event is a monumental occasion for Philadelphians to learn about the widespread issues related to rape culture—a culture where sexual violence is accepted as a part of everyday life—and what is being done to end it. It is a supportive and empowering place for survivors of rape and abuse across all backgrounds to speak out and be heard, and a place for survivors and their advocates to connect with a wide variety of local activists and resource groups.

Donate to the March
Tell friends and family, flyer around town, post online!

Tell friends and family, flyer around town, post online!